The following is an unedited, stream-of-consciousness personal journal used to experiment with different subjects outside of assignments and to practice free-writing. It shouldn't (at all) be viewed as a portfolio of polished work.

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Birthday Wish- charity: water

Charity Water / Charity:water dirty water ad

When we are thirsty, we put a glass under the tap. 

Do you take this for granted? I do- I realized a tiny bit of this while hunting for clean water sources on The Most Epic Trip. At home, the journey to my kitchen faucet is a mere 5 second walk from any point in my apartment. But that's not all- I take water that is already considered the most sanitary in the world and filter it further through a purifier just to make it taste a little better. 
charity water / charity:water baby bottle ad

Meanwhile, thousands of others make due with water shared with livestock, mixed with sewage, or contaminated with deadly factory runoff. 

What a princely manner in which we live.

For my birthday this month- and for Christmas, I'm asking you- my readers- for a special gift. I don't want (or need) anything extra. But I do want to see others have some of what we enjoy every day here in America- clean water. So I'm asking you to help me raise $100 for charity: water; a charity which gives 100% - every single cent of every single dollar donated- directly to providing clean water to others. They then find other ways to pay for their time. You can give now by simply clicking here: charity: water

What luxury can you give up today to provide something good for others during this season of giving? How about that cup of Starbucks coffee? A lunch date? A fast food meal? These items are gone in a matter of minutes- clean water affects an entire life. 

Please share this post wherever you can- email, post on Facebook and Google+, tweet about it, Digg it, etc. Together we can raise the necessary funding to provide clean, drinkable water to children and families in developing nations. 

(Please watch this incredible video- even if you don't care about water, you'll love the cinematography)

Give now: click here

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